: ' Sydney artist'

Win a free copy of Emergency Death Pill by Jonathan McBurnie

I am very excited to announce the launch of a new book of drawings – Jonathan McBurnie’s Emergency Death Pill on our sister site Soft Space Collect. We are giving away a 5×8” printed version of [...]

Absence: An Exhibition by Joshua White and Braddon Snape

Words and photographs by Daniel Smith Absence, an exhibition by Josh White and Braddon Snape has just finished at Kaleidoscope Gallery in Waterloo. The exhibition consisted of a series of large scale oil paintings with music [...]

Interview with Artist Jonathan McBurnie

Jonathan McBurnie interviewed by Daniel Smith, June 4, 2012 Daniel Smith (DS): When did you start drawing? Jonathan McBurnie (JM): I would have to ask my parents for exact dates, but from what they’ve told me [...]

Interview with Sydney Artist Emma Kidd

Here is an interview with Sydney artist Emma Kidd speaking about her art practice. More of Emma’s work can be viewed on her website at www.benconservato.com. Have you always drawn? It seems so, from what I [...]


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