Issue 0
Featured Instagram User: @melpanda
All images © Melanie Jurrissen. [...]
Soey Milk: Artist Interview
Where does the inspiration for your artwork come from? To name a few, from books, the garden, dreams, strange sounds and dusks. How long have you been making art? Since seventeen. Your work has a sensual [...]
Video – Henry Darger: In the Realms of the Unreal
An excellent documentary by Jessica Yu on ‘outsider artist’ Henry Darger. His body of work was discovered posthumously and consisted of an illustrated story, over 15000 pages long called In the Realms of the Unreal. Buy this [...]
Interview with photographer Andrea Olivo
* Contains some mild nudity* *NSFW* How long have you been taking photographs? I’ve been at it about 12 years now but the real bulk of my work has been done in the last 3 or [...]
Ballads Live at The Cambridge
Melbourne Band Ballads live at the Cambridge Hotel in Newcastle, NSW on 27 January, 2012. Hear some live audio below. Photos and audio recording – Daniel Smith View video from a show at Black [...]
Photography by Daniel Smith [...]
Grant Hunter Exhibition: It’s Only Madness
Grant Hunter is holding an exhibition at Art Hive called It’s Only Madness opening on Sunday, February the 5th, 2012. Here is a blurb from Grant’s site: I really like Batman so at 2pm on Sunday [...]
Edie in the Water
Photography by Daniel Smith [...]
Ben Kenning Interview
How long have you been painting for? I’m 28 years old now and have been painting or creating art since I was a toddler, however did not go to study art until the age 23. Initially [...]
Interview with Sydney Artist Emma Kidd
Here is an interview with Sydney artist Emma Kidd speaking about her art practice. More of Emma’s work can be viewed on her website at Have you always drawn? It seems so, from what I [...]